New York State In-depth

President Biden’s new vaccine mandate will help large businesses in Syracuse

On November 4th the Biden administration announced that they are driving plans to vaccinate employees in large companies. While this new mandate has received mixed reactions, the mandate will undoubtedly help large businesses in Syracuse and, in turn, improve the community.

this mandate applies to all companies with 100 or more employees. It states that companies must enforce COVID-19 vaccinations for all employees or create an option where employees are frequently tested and always masked if they are not vaccinated. It also provides paid time for workers to get vaccinated, as well as paid sick leave to recover from the side effects of the vaccine.

Richard Braungart, professor of sociology at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, believes the mandate will be helpful for large corporations. Braungart said many large companies wanted Biden to put in place a mandate to implement an overarching agency that would save companies dealing with the vaccine backlash, various reasons for not vaccinating, low employee morale and lower insurance costs.

Braungart also said the mandate has benefits from a common sense perspective, separate from the employer’s perspective.

“Companies with vaccinated employees have a better chance of maintaining the company itself, its productivity and its bottom line, as they are not hampered by the loss of employees due to COVID-19 diseases and deaths and employees who do not want to work The staff are not vaccinated and follow CDC guidelines to reduce the spread of the virus, ”he said.


With the new mandate, which ensures vaccinated and relatively consistently healthy employees, the success of larger companies is guaranteed.

Kristi Andersen, professor of political science at Maxwell, said she hoped the mandate will help businesses, especially with so many currently understaffed and grappling with supply chain issues. Although the Biden government estimates that the mandate will cover about two-thirds of the private sector workforce, Andersen believes the mandate will prove to be most helpful in one area: the health sector.

In New York and elsewhere, hospitals were quite concerned that pushing back mandates would severely reduce staffing levels – but it didn’t. Vaccination rates are higher than predicted, and at least some “vaccination reluctors” have been forced by the mandate to make a decision they could not quite have made for themselves, ”Andersen said.

The largest sectors of employment in Syracuse are health and welfare, education services, and retail, according to U.S. date. “(The new vaccine mandate) is in the best interests of these employment areas and the city of Syracuse to reduce the spread of COVID-19 as these are largely people-centric service areas,” Braungart said of the information from Data UNITED STATES.

These particular companies require a lot of interaction with customers and employees, and the mandate will ensure a lower likelihood of the spread of COVID-19 between these contacts.

The Biden government has received both criticism and support for its new approval, which it believes stems from the unfortunate politicization of COVID-19, vaccines and mandates. On November 6, a federal appeals court temporarily suspended the mandate because of the strong setback by the Republican Party. Several circles, several of which have become more conservative due to the appointments of former President Donald Trump, in at least 27 states have filed lawsuits against the mandate NPR.

Both Andersen and Braungart said the mandate will be beneficial to both large companies in Syracuse and our country as a whole if we can succeed in increasing vaccination rates. “Mandates will help, as will the upcoming nationwide vaccination of children. ” said Andersen.

R.The use of an unvaccinated herd immunity did not work, Braungart said, but Following CDC guidelines and vaccination have been shown to reduce the spread, severity, deaths, and long-term effects of the disease.

Braungart said those with anti-vaccine mandate beliefs “base their arguments on their civil rights and their freedom to refuse to serve in government. However, civic duties also include the responsibility to take into account the consequences of individual decisions and behaviors on the common good of other individuals and society. Freedom and responsibility are linked, not separate. ”

The new mandate will help businesses in Syracuse by requiring vaccines, thereby reducing the spread of COVID-19 in the community. With this new enforcement, students and community members in larger companies in the Syracuse area can feel more secure knowing that the risk of contracting COVID-19 is lower due to the new masking mandate.

Charlotte Kho is a junior magazine, news and digital journalism. Your column appears every two weeks. She can be reached at [email protected].

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