New York State In-depth

CNY Inspirations: The future is inspiring

This function is coordinated by The Post-Standard / and InterFaith Works of CNY. Follow this topic and author published on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.

I am inspired by my 17 month old daughter, Riley. Although my wife is Jewish, I come from an Irish Catholic lineage and none of our families had ever married outside of their religion before us.

In a way, Riley’s very existence represents something new and exciting. Just a few decades ago, cultural barriers would have prevented them from even existing.

However, Riley is so much more than her ancestry. Even though she is so young, it is easy for her to be inspired by her fearlessness. In the playground, if we turn our heads for a moment, she immediately tries to climb a 3 meter long slide. There is no dog that she would not pet, even if the dog is four times her size.

We don’t know which path Riley will choose for her life. We know that she will go her own way and go it fearlessly. When you look at her smiling face, it’s easy to be inspired by the future.

Michael Greene serves as General Councilor of Syracuse at-Large.

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