New York State In-depth

Books Through Bars aims to provide reading materials to the incarcerated population of Buffalo

by: Jhas Williams, @thejhaswilliams

Posted: 8/23/2021 / 6:31 PM EDTUpdated: 8/23/2021 / 6:32 PM EDT

BUFFALO, NY (WIVB) – Books Through Bars is a volunteer organization that makes it easy to share books with people incarcerated in New York State! Your job is to ensure that people in the criminal justice system have access to the reading materials they need.

The Buffalo Chapter, led by organizers Jessica Pitingolo and Lucas Wentworth, has partnered with Burning Books, a store on 420 Connecticut Street in Queen City that primarily focuses on social justice, prison reform, and equality.

Prisoners can send letters to this address asking for books and those who have books to give away can make donations.

Although the national incarceration rate is at its lowest level in 20 years and without being the most populous country, the U.S. prison population is still the largest in the world. So this passion project goes to the heart of those who are cut off from society and family.

Click here for Books Through Bars or for more information.

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